Nanophotonics for reconfigurable flat optics and on-chip biosensing
- Date: Jan 17, 2023
- Time: 04:15 PM - 05:30 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Romain Quidant
- ETH Zürich
- Location: hybrid form
- Room: per zoom and at Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 57, in seminar room V57.01

Twenty years of extensive research in nanophotonics have
considerably advanced light control on
the nanometer scale, bringing new developments in both basic
and applied research. In this talk,
following a general introduction on the main assets of
nanophotonic systems, we will review different
aspects of our research with an emphasis on reconfigurable
flat optics and lab-on-a chip technology.
The first part of the talk focuses on the combination of
nanophotonics and state-of-the-art microfluidics
for the detection of biomarkers. Beyond quantitative
concentration recovery, we demonstrate the
capability to assess additional information like size and
chirality of the analyte. In the second part we
introduce our recent effort in the development of
reconfigurable planar optical elements. In particular,
we discuss several technologies which enable to dynamically
control the phase front of the transmitted
light via either electrical or optical control.
Zoom access data will be provided on request from Ms. Gattin