Niclas Heinsdorf

MPI for Solid State Research, Stuttgart and Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute, UBC, Vancouver
10%: Come up with models about how electrons interact. 90%: Thinking about how I can make them non-interacting again to actually compute something

  • Nationality: German
  • BSc (Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 2018), MSc (Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 2020)
  • Supervisor: Andreas Schnyder (Group of Prof Metzner, MPI FKF Stuttgart) and Marcel Franz (UBC)
  • Start of PhD Thesis: 1.11.2020
  • Title of Project: Topology of Single-Particle and Many-Body Excitations and their Classification based on Symmetry, Entanglement and Generalized Invariants

Thesis Abstract:
The discovery of topological phases of matter marked a paradigm shift in the field of condensed matter physics. We use symmetry arguments as well as quantum information measures to discover and classify new topological states, find appropriate theoretical models to describe them and search for quantum materials in which they can be experimentally realized.

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