Jorge Cardenas-Gamboa
MPI for the Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden

Jorge Cardenas-Gamboa
- Nationality: Ecuador
- B.Sc. Chemistry (Yachay Tech University, 2020), M.Sc. in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modeling EM-TCCM (Universitat de Barcelona, 2022)
- Supervisor: Dr. Maia Garcia-Vergniory and Prof. Claudia Felser
- Start of PhD Thesis: 01.09.2022
- Title of Project: Topology in Chiral Crystals
Thesis Abstract: Chiral matter offers opportunities for the exquisite control of electron and spin transport due to extraordinary optical, electronic, and magnetic properties that depend on the structure’s handedness based, and the Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity effect (CISS).