Anatoly Obzhirov
MPI for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg
I do numerical and analytical calculations to describe electron-phonon coupling of materials in cavities.
- Nationality: Russian
BSc (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 2019), MSc (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 2021)
- Supervisor: A. Rubio
- Start of PhD Thesis: 23.09.2021
- Title of Project: Controlling electron-phonon coupling phenomena in quantum materials
Thesis Abstract: When we say a material, we imagine atoms or molecules arranged in certain order. Solely by knowing this arrangement, modern theory can accurately predict many properties of them. However, when the same materials are put in a strong laser field or between two mirrors, their behavior is not so well understood. In this case, in contrast to conventional solid-state theories, photons should be treated on equal footing with atoms and electrons. The goal of this project is to develop a computational framework to calculate changes in electron-phonon coupling. Such understanding would allow to enhance properties like superconducting critical temperature by tuning laser field or a cavity.